The European Social Charter Turns 60:
Advancing Economic and Social Rights Across Jurisdictions

11 and 12 November 2021
Department of Law, University of Turin


The Law Department of the University of Turin, with the support of the European Social Charter Department of the Council of Europe and in collaboration with the Academic Network on the European Social Charter and Social Rights (RACSE/ANESC), has organized a two-day conference, on 11 and 12 November 2021, to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the European Social Charter, which was opened for signature on 18 October 1961 in Turin.

The conference will see the participation of speakers from different parts of Europe – from academic researchers to domestic and international judges, treaty body experts namely from the European Committee of Social Rights, and high-level representatives of the Council of Europe. It aims to advance the knowledge of the European Social Charter and to promote academic research on this fundamental human rights treaty.

The recent economic and financial, migratory, and sanitary crises have highlighted the role of the Charter in the protection of economic and social human rights of those most fiercely hit by these crises. The Charter has also gained visibility thanks to its optional mechanism of collective complaints by labour and civil society organizations. As a result, it has increasingly been invoked and applied at domestic and international levels. This pulls the need for analysis of the role of the Charter in a multi-level, cross-jurisdictional system of human rights protection in Europe.

The event targets researchers, interested students and practitioners.

The conference will be held in hybrid mode, both online (via Webex) and in presence (at Campus Luigi Einaudi, in Turin). The working language will be English, except for the final session, which will be in Italian with simultaneous translation into English.