Rouen, 3 April 2025
University of Rouen, Normandy
The fourth edition of the Moot Court Competition on the European Social Charter is organised by the Academic Network on the European Social Charter and Social Rights (ANESC) with the support of the Council of Europe and it is open to law students registered in any university of Member States of the Council of Europe. On the initiative of the French section of ANESC, the oral phase of the competition will take place at Rouen (France) on 3 April 2025 and will be hosted by the University of Rouen Normandy.
Applications should be submitted by 17 November 2024, 23.59 pm (CET) to, using the form available here.
This bilingual (French-English) competition is based on a fictitious case and includes a written phase and an oral phase. The Scientific Committee and the jury of the competition are composed by legal experts from the European Committee of Social Rights, the CoE’s Department of Social Rights and from ANESC, who will draft the fictitious case. By drawing lots, half of the competing teams are given the status of “claimants” and the other half the status of “respondent government ».
The written phase consists of the drafting of a collective complaint (for “applicant” teams) or a memorandum (for “respondent government” teams). The oral phase consists of a mock “hearing” before the European Committee of Social Rights (represented by the juries), within the meaning of Article 7 (4) of the Protocol of 9 November 1995.
The plenary jury designate the winners as follows:
1.The winning team of the final hearing;
2. The runner-up (the second team qualified for the final hearing);
3. The best pleader;
4.The best written collective complaint;
5. The best written memorandum.
The best written collective complaint and the best written memorandum will be published on the ANESC site after the competition has closed.
The fictitious case will be communicated to the participating teams by the end of November 2023, together with the exact timeline of the competition.
For more accurate documentation, please checkup the updated Rules of the competition, which are available on our site.
For any further information on the Moot Court Competition, please do not hesitate to contact us at:
Applications should be submitted using the form available here
Download the rules here.